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Sip Tip Valves Package of 3 - Discontinued
Sip Tip Valves control liquid flow in a drinking straw.
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Sip Tip Valves Package of 3 - Discontinued
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Decrease the effort required for drinking with a straw.
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Product Features
Sip Tip Valves Package of 3
help decrease the amount of effort required for drinking through a straw. The unique design of these valves provide increased control of the direction of fluid, allowing liquid to flow up into the straw, but preventing the fluid from flowing back down. These replacement Select-Flow Valves for the Sip Tip Cup help to make drinking easier for people who have oral motor difficulties.
Sip Tip Valves keep the fluid in the top of the straw, reducing the air ingested, so users experience less coughing and choking when drinking through a straw. For individuals who tend to take too much fluid at a time, the valve also restricts the flow of fluid, allowing for smaller, more manageable sips. If a restricted flow is not necessary, simply trim the tapered end with a pair of scissors to increase the flow. People with oral motor difficulties due to a stroke, parkinson's, or who have difficulty drinking with a straw will find these drinking straw valves helpful.
Sip Tip Valves Package of 3 Specifications:
1.75 inches long.
In the bottom of most standard drinking straws (we use Glad straws).
FDA compliant materials with NO lead, phthalates, PVC, BPA, or latex.
Made in:
Not recommended for:
Carbonated beverages
Can be customized for adjusting fluid flow.
Keep the fluid in the top of the straw.
Helpful for people with oral motor weakness who have difficulty drinking through a straw.
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