You have a patient, spouse, or parent who needs help in the bathroom--a lot of help. It's your job to help them with toilet activities, getting in and out of the shower or bath, shampooing, brushing teeth, shaving, and more.

You've been doing this for awhile and know the ropes pretty well. But we want to introduce a few assistive devices that you might not be aware of--that can make your job easier and your patient or spouse's life more rewarding and enjoyable.

Did You Know About: No-Rinse Body Wash and Shampoo?

You already know that bath time is difficult. You want to use copious amounts of water to help your patient or parent get cleaner, but they are understandably reluctant. It's not that they don't want to be clean; not at all. It's the feeling and sound of running water, and the changes in temperature, that often make them feel uncomfortable.

Did you know that you can substitute some of their baths with no-rinse shampoo and body bath? These products clean the skin and hair quite well, but without the added step of rinsing. When finished, massage the product out with a clean, dry towel.

Did You Know About: Specialized Body Scrubbers?

Before you say anything: no, we're not talking about just any old scrubber. We're talking about a vast array of brushers, washers, and handles for practically any bathing purpose. There are two-sided bath brushes: brush on one side, soap on the other. There are U-shaped back scrubbers to get the most hard-to-reach spots. There are even under-toe washers. Whatever the purpose, whatever the part of the body, chances are you will find a brush or scrubber for it.

Did You Know About: Toilet Tissue Holders?

These aren't the holders attached to the wall next to the toilet. No, these are clever, hygienic assistive devices that allow the person to grasp toilet tissue more easily while wiping. They will appreciate ease and comfort--not to mention the privacy--that these toilet tissue holders allow.

Did You Know About: Eye Drop Assistants?

Your spouse, parent, or patient may experience redness or dryness in their eyes. They would like to use eyedrops but they find it too difficult to both squeeze the bottle and to guide the drops to their eyes. Squeezers help weakened hands leverage the bottle with ease, and guides point the bottle in the right direction and help hold the eyelids open.