When can I no longer wear my AFO?
Posted by Jerry Ditz, DPT, Dip. Osteopractic, Cert. SMT, Cert. DN. on 9/21/2018 to
Physical Therapist Jerry Ditz provides helpful information and objective clinical evaluation methods used to determine if a patient is ready to discontinue wearing an ankle foot orthosis.
3 Items to Improve Independent Living
Posted by Chelsea Shaffer on 9/21/2018 to
In The Kitchen
Diseases such as Parkinson’s and Arthritis are often overlooked and misunderstood, as the severity of both of these cases can greatly affect our conditions of living. Weakened muscles present a daily challenge for those with Parkinson’s, simple things such as carrying a drink across the room can become a chore. The same scenario can be said for those with Arthritis, although Arthritis can be found in many parts of the body, it’s often diagnosed in our hands first.