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Introducing the Best Bathroom Assistive Products You've Never Heard Of

Introducing the Best Bathroom Assistive Products You've Never Heard Of

You have a patient, spouse, or parent who needs help in the bathroom--a lot of help. It's your job to help them with toilet activities, getting in and out of the shower or bath, shampooing, brushing teeth, shaving, and more. You've been doing
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Eat with class with these Fashionable Adult Bibs

Eat with class with these Fashionable Adult Bibs

As a caregiver, perhaps you have tried to convince your loved one to wear a bib at dinner time, but he or she simply does not want to. The truth is, even though wearing a bib may be necessary for guarding against embarrassing spills and stains,
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How to Approach Bathing and Toilet Privacy Issues

How to Approach Bathing and Toilet Privacy Issues

You are reluctant to do it; they are reluctant to do it. Since you're both on the same page, why is there a problem? The issue concerns assistance with bathing and toilet functions. The person you are caring for--a patient, a spouse, a mother, or
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Ensure a Comfortable Ride [Traveling with Seniors Part 3]

Ensure a Comfortable Ride [Traveling with Seniors Part 3]

Traveling often times means spending a lot of time in cramped automobile and airplane seats. This can cause your loved one to suffer neck and back pain or worsen the symptoms of arthritis and other conditions during your trip. In this third
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Top 4 Assistive Products for Mealtimes

Top 4 Assistive Products for Mealtimes

People who have difficulties feeding or drinking independently typically want to do so . As a caregiver, introducing adaptive dinnerware not only can you make your own job a bit easier, but you can give your patient or loved one a degree of
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