Have you had a below-the-knee injury lately or know someone who has? Did your doctor put you on crutches? If so, chances are you are dealing with a lot of stress and trying to balance recovery with your daily routines and duties. Here's the thing: You may not need those crutches.

Despite what common knowledge says, crutches are simply not the only solution for getting by during a recovery from an injured leg. You have choices and alternatives, and we encourage you to discuss them with your doctor. What are your alternatives? Read on and find out!

Put crutches behind for good

iWALK 2.0 Crutch Alternative
iWALK 2.0 Crutch Alternative

The iWALK 2.0 Crutch Alternative gives you a hands free experience, allowing you to walk only with your legs, like it's supposed to be. Your arms weren't made for walking, and extended use of crutches has been known to lead to secondary injuries and conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Go to work, walk your dog, climb steps and much more while having your arms and hands free.

The way the iWALK 2.0 Crutch Alternative works is that it allows you to rest your knee at a 90-degree angle on the soft knee pad, while the adjustable rod underneath works much like a leg prosthetic. If you have any health conditions in the uninjured leg or have a disability that limited your walking ability even before the injury, then the iWALK 2.0 Crutch Alternative is not recommended. However, if you can walk without limitations if not for the below-the-knee injury, then the iWALK 2.0 Crutch Alternative is simply the common sense solution, and it's affordable too!

A knee support that rolls

Medical Leg Support Walker
Medical Leg Support Walker

The other option besides crutches is the Medical Leg Support Walker. This is different from the iWalk 2.0 in that it does not give you a hands free experience. However, for many people, especially with certain disabling conditions or arthritis, the Medical Leg Support Walker represents the perfect balance. This is because it gives you just enough use of your hands to steer and keep stable, but it does not put significant pressure on the hands and puts no pressure under the arms, like traditional crutches do. Plus, when you are not moving and steering, your hands are free to do other things.

We here at The Wright Stuff want to help you recover from your injury in a safe, comfortable and convenient manner. Know someone who could use one of these aids? Share with friends!